Wednesday 24 April 2013

Are High Protein Diets a Kidney Risk?

Before answering this question, it must be highlighted that the term 'risk' is solely concerned with ANY possibility of negative outcome and completely ignores any benefit derived. 

Risk is not about balancing positive with negative. It is only about negative and EVERYTHING is a risk! Walking is a risk to injury. Eating is a risk to choking. Breathing is a risk to oxidative damage. This is the context by which doctors can correctly say a high protein diet is a 'risk' to kidneys. 

Is a high protein diet likely to CAUSE kidney disease or failure? Absolutely not!!!! But doctors measure plasma Urea as a measure of kidney health. And with a high protein diet, more urea is produced as a predictable bi-product of additional protein metabolism. Doctors see this extra urea as proof of kidney stress. Its just not. 

But a high protein diet MIGHT be too much for a person with pre-existing kidney damage or disease. It is an INCREASE to their 'risk' if they have virtually no margin for additional kidney load. Therefore it can be said that a risk does exist. And because risk exists doctors and dieticians will say nobody should ever follow a high protein diet! Its not necessary (for mediocrity) and it has 'risk'. They just conveniently ignore that a high sugar diet like most people follow is a catastrophic risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Personally, as somebody who has eaten between 400g and 600g of protein per day for most of the past 20 years and has no sign of kidney stress whatsoever, I absolutely do not believe it CAUSES any problem whatsoever. And after putting hundreds of athletes on similar protein intakes and watching the dramatic improvements to their strength and body composition with not a single negative outcome, I believe the benefits far outweigh the risk of a person having undiagnosed borderline renal failure which is tipped over the edge by a diet of natural foods that happen to be high in protein!

I also believe that a high protein diet is far less of a risk to the kidneys and other organs than the diet and alcohol practices of most Australians!

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.

Friday 29 March 2013

IIFYM (If it Fits Your Macros). More Bro Science BS!

IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) is a dietary philosophy that believes all foods provide exactly the same nutritional and physiological effect so long as they contain the same macronutrient (protein, carb and fat) totals. The motivation of this concept, unsurprisingly, is to justify the exchange of nutritious natural foods with heavily processed junk.

The philosophical extension of IIFYM is that micronutrients have absolutely no nutritional worth at all; and carcinogens, toxins and anti-nutrients are also biochemically and physiologically immaterial. According to IIFYM, all that matters is the macronutrients.

As anyone with an modicum of intelligence will realise, eating 3 silk blouses and a tree branch everyday is not going to lead to the same health and training outcomes as eating 3 chicken breasts with rice; even though the silk blouse and tree branch contain the same amount of protein and carbs! That is an extreme example. But it is an example that still fits the philosophy of IIFYM and highlights the stupidity of it.

But IIFYM is even more ignorant than suggesting silk blouses are nutritious. To say that macronutrients are the only relevant measure of nutrition is to say that vitamins, minerals, amino acids, EFA's and all other micronutrients have no nutritional value. The extension of this is that vitamin and mineral deficiencies (or toxicities) do not exist and vitamin, mineral, amino acid, fatty acid, herbal and other supplements are 100% void of health or performance benefits, under all circumstances.

Food allergies and intolerances are also figments of the imagination according to IIFYM. In the IIFYM world gluten and lactose are just protein and carbohydrate like any other. So eat rice with chicken or bread with chocolate ice cream (or some silk blouse with some tree branch); according to IIFYM its all nutritionally the same when the macros are the same. And I'm sure thats great comfort to everybody following IIFYM who spends their days bloated, lethargic, fat and water retentive.

But the philosophical ramifications of of IIFYM arrogance and ignorance do not end there. IIFYM essentially says every scientist to ever do research on any non-macronutrient was wasting their time and wrong if they found a physiological effect. Basically, IIFYM advocates are just much smarter than the Worlds smartest, most accomplished and respected Biochemists and Nutrition Scientists.

It gets worse! Seeing as MSG and estrogenic pesticides or lignans in food have no effect on body composition or health (according to IIFYM), then clearly oral pharmaceutical versions of similar compounds don't either? Surely the only consideration we need to consider is the carbohydrate from the fillers in the tablets themselves? So a cup of rice or 100 Lasix tablets (a potent diuretic) both have the same macronutrient value and therefore the same effect on my body? Right? Why not? They both fit my macros.

I admit, IIFYM advocates don't specifically argue that drugs and supplements don't work, that food allergies don't exist or that silk blouses are a valid source of dietary protein. But their philosophy does! And often its necessary to consider the most extreme extensions of a philosophy to uncover the glaring flaws underpinning it. Hopefully this blog helps people who intrinsically knew IIFYM was absurdly flawed but couldnt articulate why?

IIFYM is philosophically bankrupt! The fact that some IIFYM-ers eat junk and don't wind up looking and performing like total junk does not mean their philosophy is valid. Don't be duped!

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

What You Need To Know About "Peptides"

The majority of peptides being raved about in bodybuilding are involved with Growth Hormone (GH) release. According to a lot of research, they are very effective. The peptides being sold online to bodybuilders are standard items used to stimulate GH release in scientific research. So they are legitimate items even if their legal status and quality is far less clear.

Here is the jist of what its all about. In very basic terms there are 2 aspects to GH release targeted by the available peptides:
1) a signal to release a 'pulse' of GH
2) a regulator of how much GH to release in the 'pulse'

GHRH (GH Releasing Hormone) tells the body to release large amounts of GH whenever a 'pulse' is stimulated. But it does not cause a 'pulse' of GH in of itself. 

GHRP (GH Releasing Peptide) signals for the release a 'pulse' of GH. 

By themselves, GHRP's do a little bit and GHRH's generally do nothing. But used together it becomes a case of 1+1=10. Though, in the real world of wanting to see some sort of drug-induced body composition change, GHRP +  GHRH is more like 0.0001 + 0.0001 = 0.001. Its not a lot!

GHRP's mimic the hormone Ghrelin - the alter-ego of Leptin. Leptin is also known as the anti-obesity hormone. And yes, Ghrelin is its opposite. Does it sound strange that a bodybuilder would want to inject the opposite of the anti-obesity hormone? It should! Ghrelin not only stimulates a pulse of GH but also increases cortisol, prolactin, decreases insulin sensitivity, increases appetite and generally causes every other fat-gaining and muscle-losing metabolic process you can imagine. The GH is about the only upside to a generally bad story!

The first generation of GHRP - GHRP-6 - did/does a really good job of mimicking Ghrelin. It causes significant cortisol and prolactin release along with a decrease in insulin sensitivity and increase in appetite. Bodybuilders still rave about the weight gain and appetite on GHRP-6. But the vast majority of people using GHRP-6 only gain fat!

The story with GHRH isn't any better. The first generation GHRH - GRF - only lasts in circulation for a few minutes and, seemingly, not long enough for GHRP-6's 'pulse' to be amplified into a meaningful amount of GH.

But the story gets worse. To stimulate a debatably significant increase in GH a normal person using GHRP-6 + GRF requires a good 3-5 injections of EACH, per day. And no, one big dose won't work the same. 

And if you decide to do 6-10 injections per day of the first generation GHRP-6 with GRF, then the most you should expect is a small LOSS of muscle mass with dramatic increase in bodyfat!. Oh, and a mild feeling of lethargy & depression! 

I personally made the mistake of using GHRP-6 with GRF to prove peptides didn't do anything. I was wrong! In 3 weeks of using GHRP-6 with GRF I gained 3kg of fat and lost 1kg of muscle! I put on 2kg. But it wasn't the 'size' anybody wants! In 3 weeks I became fatter than I'd been in 3 years, with no change in diet! And unfortunately I knew exactly how bad it was because at Biologic Labs we actually measure these things. Most of the people raving about peptides don't measure anything!

Fortunately, the biochemists tweaked with the molecules and came up with new generation peptides to replace GHRP-6 and GRF.

The 2nd generation was GHRP-2 and a heavily modified version of GRF they called CJC-1295+DAC. Used together, your 6-10 total daily injections of these peptides might help you achieve a slight improvement in body composition for the first 2-3 weeks with a few weird side effects like hot flushes, hypoglycaemic episodes and weird dreams. They aren't perfect; but they're a damned side better than GHRP-6 with GRF!

Since then was a 3rd generation of refinements. Ipamorelin is a GHRP that causes no cortisol or prolactin release. And straight CJC-1295 without DAC solved the numerous issues of the version with DAC.

Using Ipamorelin with CJC-1295 (without DAC), you might see a mild improvement in body composition with no side effects... except the loss of friends because you spend half your day injecting yourself. 

The positive results of properly using peptides and taking your 6-10 injections per day could be described as being about 25% of the improvement you might get from a single low dose of legal Growth Hormone therapy. And in the end, using legally prescribed GH would run you about the same cost as properly using grey market peptides. The difference is that prescribed GH doesn't require 6-10 daily injections nor the risks associated with injecting dodgy stuff you bought over the web with no quality controls or guarantee of being what it says!

But thats not the end of the peptide story. If 6-10 injections is not enough, why not add more. OK! How about an IGF? I mean, GH is only good to stimulate IGF. So why not go straight to the source?

Well, IGF's by themselves are bound and destroyed in the absence of GH. So you need either GH or your Ipamorelin + CJC-1295 to take with your IGF. And whats another 3-5 injections per day anyway?  

IGF-LR3 and DES-1-3 IGF are the 2 versions typically found for sale. Both are reportedly 10x more potent than regular IGF and also resist near immediate destruction in the body. 

Using either injectable IGF might add another 50% to the suspiciously minor benefits you might imagine you are experiencing from your GHRP's + GRF's.

But I know you want more!!!! So there is MGF which is the form of IGF released locally in muscle cells to cause local growth. There is massive debate by the geniuses on internet forums about whether it is worthwhile to inject MGF? Very little of an injected amount is able to stimulate the minuscule amount of surrounding muscle it is injected into. The majority is absorbed into the blood stream where it is destroyed. But hey, when did a bodybuilder buying bodgy gear over the internet ever care about such details?

So the short answer about the IGF's and MGF is that all of it together with all of the injections of GHRP's and GRF's does 2/5ths of stuff all in 99% of people who use them. Of course, there is the mysterious 1% who live in their basement and nobody has ever actually met or seen but apparently added GHRP-6 to a cycle of steroids and gained 20kg of muscle in 5 days. And of course there is Lee Priest who everybody knows only uses peptides now... well, everybody who doesn't actually know Lee knows that. 

When a person asks me what I think about increasing their Growth Hormone levels with peptides I reply with the question:
 "What is your Growth Hormone now?"

Of course, most wannabe drug abusers are dumbfounded by this radical question! Why would you want to measure your Growth Hormone before you injected drugs into yourself to mess with it? Thats crazy! And perhaps it is. Especially when you discover your drugs don't work or that your excellent natural GH levels aren't the reason you are fat! 

But doing a simple blood test to measure your GH can still be done. We do it at Biologic Labs every day! And then you could be legally prescribed real GH. Or you can use your peptides and retest after a couple of weeks to see how much those 100's of injections are really boosting your GH and IGF? Though the reality will make for much drier reading than the ambiguous drivel you will typically find on internet forums. 

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.