Tuesday 23 June 2009

'Huge' stupidity risks going Supernova!

Why is it that so many people going to the gym fear that they are going to INSTANTLY go from being fat, useless, unathletic slobs to HUGE World Champion Bodybuilders?

No other activity invokes such an utterly absurd expectation of overachievement. Nobody getting driving lessons fears they might become an F1 champion. Nobody opening a bank account demands assurance that they won't become richer than Warren Buffet. Nobody buying a spatula worries they will become a foul mouthed chef with several successful cooking shows on TV.

So what is it about weight training that useless, undisciplined people think they might ACCIDENTALLY outperform passionate, driven people who devote their lives to excellence?

And why is it that the MORE fat, useless and unathletic a person is, the more they believe they have this awful mutant Bodybuilder gene? Successful bodybuilders mostly looked like bodybuilders before they even started training. Yet its the fattest, laziest, most non-bodybuilder-esque people who are the most scared of coming to look like a bodybuilder. Its as though the less proof they have that they will ever have a remotely attractive body, the more they think they will accidentally become an awe-inspiring specimen of human muscularity!

The notion is so offensively moronic when you consider that no other activity in the world requires such 24/7, 365 days-per-year attention as bodybuilding! Building a body to the limits of human potential requires discipline beyond 'turning up' to the gym; it requires an everyday, all-day obsession with performance nutrition and an intensity of effort in the gym that is hardly seen anywhere. And lets not forget that the very best bodies are mostly loaded with illegal drugs too! None of this is any secret.

Which begs the question: why on earth do fat, lazy, alcoholic, slobs think they might ACCIDENTALLY do better at bodybuilding/sculpting than committed trainers? Do they have any idea how arrogant and offensive that question is? Its like a high school dropout telling an engineer he could build a better bridge because he owns a photo-album of bridges!

So, if you know a person who doesn't train because they don't want to get huge: slap them. HARD! If you know someone who doesn't increase the weights they lift when they train because they don't want to get 'too huge': slap them. HARD! If you are someone who worries that you might become too muscularly huge: slap yourself: HARD! REPEATEDLY! Any person who thinks they might become too huge should be more worried about their monolithic stupidity going supernova and destroying the universe. You WON'T accidentally get huge from lifting as much as you possibly can!


Shaun said...

I find it amusing when i hear people say things like that. However, i suspect it's purely(subconsciously) a case of providing an excuse  for themselves to not work hard.

Damon Hayhow said...

I completely agree!

Unknown said...

I also like the male version of this which is... 'Yeh i used to work out, but didnt like being big' Generally these guys look like shite and hardly resemble a decent trainer

ronnie boshanks said...

well said mate.

I have been trying to accidently get huge for years.... hopefully i will trip over it one day.