Thursday 16 September 2010


Here we go again. Check out this report from the NBC warning that going to the gym TOO much is now a big problem.

It is incredible to think that in our society where the majority of people are going to die of obesity and inactivity related illnesses, anyone would warn people away from exercise!? But they are. And yet, unlike being too sedentary, nobody is dying of gymerexia. In fact, from the report, there is no mention of anybody getting harmed in any significant way. The only sited concern of gymerexia is the effect on work and relationships; I imagine much the same sort of work and relationship problems faced by people who don't go to the gym too.

With more than 1/2 the population dying by not going to the gym, we should not be worrying about the people who go to the gym too much! A fight with your spouse is better than costing all of society millions and then dying! People worrying about other peoples exercise and good-health habits need to get some perspective!

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