Wednesday 23 March 2011

FAQ: Training Like Everyone Trains

There are so many guys getting good results with the 1 bodypart per day, 5 day per week routine (training each bodypart once per week). Why do you recommend 3 days per week and training bodyparts more often?

There are guys who are better built than you and me who don't even workout! There are guys out there stronger than you and me who have never lifted a weight! There are guys out there who don't need to lift heavy weights or train very hard to become capable of lifting insanely heavy weights! And there are guys out there who suddenly become one of those other freaky guys as soon as they inject a few drugs.

The issue is, you are writing to me because you are NOT one of those guys. I am NOT one of those guys either. In fact, very few of us are one of those guys. But we all look up to those guys. We all WISH we were those guys. So we make the logical but stupid mistake: we ask those guys what they did and then try to copy it. And the inevitable result is: we fail to look like those guys cos we just aint those guys. And we fail to get strong by doing pumping training with light weights and lots of exercises like they do because it doesnt even make sense why a human WOULD get strong training like that!!!

So the reason I don't recommend the standard '1-bodypart-per-day' program is because so many guys ARENT getting good results with it. In fact, MOST trainers arent getting good results with it. In fact, the ONLY trainers that ARE getting results out of it are those rare individuals who get results out of ANY program! And even they tend to get MORE results out of any other program than the standard 1 bodypart per day regime.

Almost EVERY trainer who comes to me for a program is using the '1 bodypart per day' program and has failed to achieve anything for YEARS! But they stick with it because every monday they train chest and they get a big pump and it feels good and they look swollen the next day and are sore for 2 days after. By the time they arent sore its monday again and they get a big pump and feel good and get swollen etc etc. But after a year they havent changed AT ALL! They just swell up and down every week in every muscle and go nowhere overall. But its easy, it feels SOOOOO good, it looks good and everybody does it. And that is why everybody does it: its just lazy, feel-good, lemming behaviour.

I was lucky enough to realise early on that the really muscular guys are really muscular because they are CAPABLE of lifting HUGE weights; even if they rarely bother to. It just makes sense - muscle exists to exert force. It doesnt need to do it for very long or very often. Its just there in case a lot of force is needed. Big muscles equal big strength; even if they don't mean strong work ethic!

Given that I was very weak and I wanted to become very strong, ASAP, it was obvious that I needed a training program that made me able to lift heavier and heavier weights EVERY time I trained. With SO much strength to be gained, it made no sense to waste time on any program that gave me no strength gains each week. So I rationalised and then trialled every combination until I found the ones that gained strength well.

Quickly it became obvious that a program like "the pro's" use - 1 bodypart per week with lots of half-assed 'stuff' - wasnt, in any way, relevant to what I needed to achieve. And it didnt take much trial-&-error to find out how poorly it worked. I am just lucky to be an argumentative, contrarian SOB who doesnt do what everyone else does just because its what everyone else does! ;-)

So by trying stuff and then thinking about it, the logical programs proved to work best: push heavy weights to failure and plan your WEIGHTS given that the WEIGHT is the purpose and outcome of training.

The rest is just logical. I don't recommend doing flyes after bench press because I can't understand how doing light-weight flyes, when I'm tired, is going to help communicate to my body that it needs to become capable of doing a 200kg bench press? Some guys can do that. Most of us can't. If you can do that then keep doing what you are doing. If you can't do that.... it doesnt take too much brainpower to understand why!

I hope that helps. Its not rocket science. Its just pretty obvious. Focus on your end goal - lifting a crazy deadlift, squat and bench! Doing so should make you realise how dumb the standard 'routine-of-the-pros' is!

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