Saturday 16 June 2012

Our Programs & Diets for Interstate Clients

Q: I do not live in Brisbane but I've heard that you can write a program and diet for me to follow? Can you please tell me more about your programs and diets for your Interstate clients?

A: We write diets and training programs for you to achieve a specific goal bodysize and bodyfat percentage. All we are concerned with is your body composition.

We make adjustments every week according to bodyfat tests you provide us with. So you'll need somebody competent and reliable to test you regularly and forward the results to us.

Your program is custom written to your personal body, goal and requirements. We first get you to complete a questionnaire including your current bodyweight, skinfold measurements and maximum strength. We do our best to help find somebody suitable for you to do this with because very few PT's are suitably competent. We then do an assessment over the phone to articulate your body composition goal and decide what diet and training is going to be best for you.

The diet we write for you specifies every gram of food to eat at every meal. The workout specifies every weight to lift on every set of every exercise at every workout. There is no ambiguity and no random 'stuff' like you get from Personal Trainers.

Our diets involve a lot of food! The biggest complaint is there is too much food - even to lose weight and fat fast. But there are no cheat meals, no random food choices and no drinking alcohol. There is really no point wasting money on our programs if you need to drink alcohol and not follow the diet.

There is no cardio on our programs - even for the most rapid and significant fat loss possible! Our training programs solely involve lifting weights to the limit of your physical capacity. There is not much training - usually 3 days per week? But it is VERY hard strength training with very hard exercises. So we require that you REALLY know how to train or have somebody exceptional to train with. There are VERY few PT's suitable to train you on our programs because the training is so different. We can try recommending somebody in your area depending upon where you are?

For an idea of how we deliver your program and diet to you, please watch this video:

Contact us if you'd like to know more or get started?...

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.

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