Saturday 21 July 2012

The Sickening Truth About Our Health System

Australia has what is formally described as a conservative health system. Its most basic philosophy is that no citizen should employ any intervention that might risk their health. And on the surface of it, this seems perfectly reasonable... until you consider the real meaning.

‘Health’ is defined as “the absence of disease”. Technically and medically, there is no such thing as healthier than disease free! You can look terrible, feel terrible and function terribly, yet still be medically ‘healthy’. If you have no measurable clinical markers out of the established range, you are as healthy as can be!

The literal meanings of other words used in discussing health are equally important. An 'intervention' is simply any deliberate action to improve a situation. A 'risk' is the possibility of something unpleasant or unwelcome happening. 'Disease' is defined by any clinical measurement outside an established range that is based on what the majority of the population measures! (And when you consider that the majority of the population is likely to die of heart disease, cancer or diabetes, it's somewhat baffling that they would be made the yardstick of health)!

With these definitions in mind, now reconsider the meaning of citizens not undertaking interventions that might risk health? The literal translation of this philosophy becomes:

Citizens are not to deliberately do anything to improve their health; particularly if there is any possibility of comparing less favourably with average people (who are likely to die of a major disease).

So despite the best original intentions of our conservative health system, the application has resulted in something scarily different. The institutionalisation of rank mediocrity and predictable, major disease is definitely not what you and I mean when we talk about health! But as far as the health system is concerned, it is. And as far as the health system is concerned:
  • Whatever is practiced by the majority becomes the ‘standard’ of normal ‘health’, irrespective of how predictable the negative effect on wellbeing is.
  • Anything you do for the purpose of bettering your health is considered an intervention that 'risks' health. But if the same action is completely uninformed, unintentional and unmeasured, then thats OK (it's only an intervention if it's deliberate).
  • Anything that benefits physical performance, body composition, energy, mental performance and/or general well-being is irrelevant and unnecessary to health because the simple absence of disease IS health!
  • Health practitioners should prevent citizens from taking any deliberate action to affects their health in any way! If a person has a disease, then medication is the treatment.
  • The 'healthy' ranges for clinical markers are revised occasionally to better reflect the state of the majority of the population, even when it is well established that the majority of the population are more unwell than before (eg BMI and male estrogen)!
  • Regardless of how terrible you look, feel or function, there is no appropriate course of action if your health measures are within the range kept by the rest of the population. If you are particularly upset about this then you might be considered to have a mental health problem for which anti-depressants are the treatment!
  • Regardless of how good you look, feel or function, any measure of health that doesn't agree with the typical measures of the majority of the rest of the population is considered a disease.
So when health professionals advise of a course of action for your health, they are often NOT talking about something that will contribute positively to anything you consider desirable or indicative of good health. They are talking about complying with a state of rank mediocrity established by the majority. In many cases, what health professionals advise for your health can significantly reduce what you and I would consider 'health'. Their advice is designed to reduce your wellbeing, body composition and future health to the level of the 'average' person!

So if you ever wondered why the advice provided by health experts was so often so hypocritical or just downright unhealthy, this is why! Virtually all of the advice you hear is tainted by this warped perspective! It pervades everything from the safety and labelling of the foods to the treatments and advice your doctor offers when you are sick.

When you understand the above and listen more literally to what you hear and read (when it comes to health advice and warnings) you will get the real meaning. And if you aspire to anything better than mediocrity for yourself, what you hear will disgust you even more than it intrinsically should anyway!

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