Saturday 18 August 2012

Why Most PT Clients Want To Fail & How PT's Oblige

After Training clients for just a few years I came to a demoralising realisation: the majority of PT clients WANT to fail!

Subconsciously, the majority of Personal Training clients want validation that they are a victim; that their sub-par body is something unfixable that happened TO them by an unbeatable external force. They NEED to fail in order to say to themselves and the World: "My fatness is no fault of my own and it is not due to my actions. It's my genetics/God/hormones/[your excuse here]. I am powerless to fix it. I have no choice but to continue being lazy and eating rubbish because it makes no difference. I tried. I did everything I could. I even paid a Personal Trainer!"

To diet and train effectively would only prove that their fat, decrepit body was their own fault and that they do have the power to fix it. It would also prove that the reason they got out of shape was because of the diet and lifestyle they really do not want to give up because it's probably a lot more enjoyable to them than disciplined training and dieting.

In all things, people tend to put in the effort concomitant to the success they want and/or expect. And when you plan to fail you certainly won't put forth the effort required for success! So most clients treat their PT as a conscience for hire. They want someone else to blame and take responsibility for their own bad choices; as evidenced by the defiant (or guilty) way they admit to eating knowingly fattening foods. Their PT is the perfect target.

And most PT's disingenuously pander to this 'business opportunity' by pretending to sell motivation. This has never ceased to amaze and disgust me! Motivation is: "the desire or willingness to do something". It is self evident that you cannot buy the desire or willingness to do something you have no desire or willingness to do! It is exactly as ridiculous as thinking you can buy unconditional love or everlasting happiness. And any PT pretending to sell 'motivation' is either incapable of rational thought... or just a lying snake-oil salesman!?

Of course, selling motivation to unmotivated people leads to a horribly demoralising and dissatisfying situation for the PT as well. In a referral based business like PTing, the business you take becomes the business you get. So the more vampiric clients a PT takes, the more vampiric clients they will get. And nobody in any industry wants to wake up everyday to work with unmotivated clients who don't respect or desire their service but want to bleed them dry of their energy. The only people who can withstand that are vampiric parasites themselves. Hmmmm...

The Biologic Labs Difference
I created Biologic Labs with a very different goal: to see if SOME people actually DID want a proper, uncompromising body recomposition service? If nobody wanted it, at least I would have the answer to that question for myself! But I was never going to compromise my product to cater to people who didn't want it (despite the continued, persistent 'recommendations' of short-sighted people who just cannot seem to see past copying what everybody else is doing badly).

At Biologic Labs everything is measured and preplanned and presented up front so there are no surprises. If a prospective client doesn't like the way we do things, thats fine; we don't take their business. If they don't want to work that hard or have to follow the diet we set, thats fine; we don't take their business. If they don't want to give up drinking alcohol, thats fine; we don't take their business. Its really simple - if a person doesn't want the quality product we offer, we don't sell it to them!

Clients who don't want to do what is required to succeed are going to fail regardless! Changing our successful product to sell them the failure they want is not good business! The client who fails is disgruntled even when failure was what they wanted. Even worse, before they are disgruntled they refer their friends who want to fail. So the business becomes a place for failures. That then impacts on staff morale and the quality of work staff do. Staff start to expect failure and so they become good at delivering it.

By staying true to our business we ensure we get to focus on doing good work with committed clients who DO want our product. Success breeds success, as they say. It feeds upon itself, just like failure does. The choice for Trainers and clients is which they really want?

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.

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