Thursday 16 April 2009

Eat Normal to be Normal... and Die!

The majority of people who come to Biologic Labs are 'normal' people following 'normal' diets.

By 'normal', obviously, I mean that they are fat. SERIOUSLY fat! Walking-disease-factory FAT! What? You think thats harsh? Here are the stats:
  • Almost 2/3rds of Australians were overweight or obese in 2000 and its predicted to be 75% by 2020 (source: AIHW). 'Normal' or 'average', statistically, means FAT and getting FATTER! NON-overweight people are now a minority group!!!
  • 1/2 of all Aussie men will die of heart disease and 1/3rd of Aussie women. Heart disease is the leading cause of death and a function of poor nutrition and inactivity; ie a 'normal' lifestyle and 'normal' eating (source: AIHW).
  • Diabetes is a disease where the body can no longer metabolise carbohydrates properly. Its a dietary disease! 15% of Australians (3.1M) are estimated to now have diabetes or pre-diabetes and thats expected to DOUBLE in the next 20years (source: Diabetes Australia)
  • Cancer is the 2nd biggest killer in Aus. The International Agency Research in Cancer says: “....80-90% of human cancer is determined environmentally & therefore avoidable”. That is: cancer is effectively a 'normal' lifestyle disease.

    The reason so many people are fat, dying of heart disease, cancer and diabetes is because of their diet. Nobody got fat without food! And given that the greater majority of our society - 'normal' people - are fat or obese, clearly it is 'normal' eating that makes you FAT and diseased!

    Biologic Labs produce very specific diets (specific quantities of specific foods to eat every meal, everyday) to achieve specific outcomes. EVERYBODY who follows our diets gains muscle and typically loses fat at the same time (when that is the objective and assuming they follow our workout plans as intended too).

    Yet, after using our diets to fix their fat, diseased bodies, many of our clients yearn to return to 'normal' eating. They long for the temporarily-soothing taste of the malnourishing foods that made them fat and diseased before. Like any crack addict they get giddy with excitement over the prospect of destroying months worth of their hard work for a few hours of inebriation. If nutritious food could be likened to perfect, generous, loving parents, then some clients are like recalcitrant teens on their way to a criminal record: they just can't wait to 'flip the bird' at those who raised them and run off to ruin their lives!

    And just like crack addicts and rebelling teens, people who eat 'normal' are eventually going to find themselves in a very nasty state in hospital... or the morgue!

    But obviously, my attitude to this isnt 'normal'. And yet, strangely, the only sense of emptiness I feel about not being 'normal' is that space where my fat belly probably should be... and maybe that space where the cancer and clogged arteries should be. But I can live with that!
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