Thursday 20 May 2010

Can You Grow Muscle & Lose Fat Simultaneously?

The latest issue of a certain Fitness Magazine claims - like most Fitness authorities and Personal Trainers these days - that you cannot build muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Lets test that theory with a hypothetical situation. Imagine a 180kg man with 60% bodyfat. He's eaten nothing but 'fast food' and hasnt exercised in 10 years. He used to be an elite athlete who weighed 120kg with 15% bodyfat. If you do the math, that means he's now got 30kg less muscle than he used to have; and 90kg more fat.

Now, don't you think that maybe its possible, if you cleaned up his diet and got him back in the gym, that this man might be able to regain some of his lost muscle while losing some of his new fat? Do you REALLY believe, as Personal Trainers would try to have you believe, that its just absolutely 100% impossible for that to happen? That there is no way this giant, fat man couldnt get back into the training he once did and regain some of his former condition?

Of course he could! Its happened time and time again in the public eye with boxers, football players, wrestlers and all sorts of athletes. Its not an unusual phenomenon for an athlete to get back in shape; building muscle and losing fat at the same time. Thats just the normal process of EFFECTIVE TRAINING AND DIET!!! Fat people can turn into athletes simply by training for it!

But maybe you are thinking "thats muscle memory" or "its different when they've been there before". Really? Then lets say my hypothetical fat-man hadn't been an elite athlete previously. Does that really change the argument? Is it really so hard to believe that getting a sedentary person to train with weights and eat a clean, nutritious, high-protein diet might result in some muscle gain with some fat loss? Of course it will! It regularly does.

Maybe you are thinking "but its different for a really fat person". No its not! Yes its easier; but it doesnt change human physiology. The fact is, its either biochemically possible to simultaneously drop fat and build muscle, or its not! And as it happens, it IS biochemically possible to reduce bodyfat and build muscle. As proven by every athlete that got out of shape and then got back into shape. And as proven by every sedentary person who decided to fix themselves up by training hard and eating well. Its not that it CAN'T be done; its just that most people FAIL!

The only reason someone won't be able to simultaneously lose fat and build muscle is because they aren't training and dieting appropriately! As you get leaner and more muscular it does get harder and eventually your options get more and more limited and unhealthy. But it is biochemically POSSIBLE.

So any Trainer who tells you that you can't lose fat and build muscle simultaneously is really saying that THEY DON'T KNOW HOW because they've FAILED to ever achieve it! Which also means: the advice they are offering is WRONG!

Simultaneously losing fat and gaining muscle CAN be done. It regularly IS done. And now you know why you need to ignore every word spoken by any person who says it CAN'T be done!

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