Wednesday 19 May 2010

They Call It 'Lifestyle'?

Pretty much everybody wishes they could eat whatever they want without getting fat. Unfortunately, pretty much everybody knows that the human body doesnt work that way.

So society has been taught to 'pay' for dietary indulgences by 'burning it off'. In effect, for every TimTam you eat you are sentenced to a couple of hours of monotonous, soul destroying aerobic exercise while forgoing all other food. In essence, you try to fix your malnourishing indulgence by sacrificing nourishment.

Some people have embraced this methodology with a rabid tenacity. They so love their TimTams and wines and cheese and whatever other non-nutritious poison that their friends like to share, that they'll happily starve and spend almost every non-working hour of their day running, riding and doing aerobics classes just for the luxury of being able to semi-indulge.

This way of living is so popular that its been given a positive descriptor: 'Lifestyle'.

So to clarify, to many, 'lifestyle' means constant hunger plus exercising for 2-3 hours of every DAY so that they can spend 2-3 hours per WEEK poisoning themselves.

2-3 hours per DAY of mindless, purposeless, goalless punishment for 2-3 hours per WEEK of pointless indulgence...

Apparently thats a desirable 'lifestyle'.

Despite the countless hours of exercise, very few people wind up with good bodies as a result of their 'lifestyle' living. For all of the punishment, they still lose the battle against the alcohol and malnutrition. As time goes on, their 'lifestyle' ages them at an accelerated rate while affecting their mental and emotional function. Any sane person wouldnt be surprised at this. But 'lifestylers' just panic and push harder.

When occasionally these skinny-fat, depressed, malnourished people are shown Biologic Labs solution - just 2-3 hours per WEEK of purposeful exercise coupled with a diet so nutritious that they will never feel hungry with the result of measurable fat loss every week and a reversal of all of the systemic damage they have done - we always wind up with the same complaint:



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