Monday 15 November 2010

Supplement Ads: Scientifically Factual, Inferential... untruths

If you haven't heard, to protect consumers from unscrupulously dishonest operators, the Government has outlawed any and all 'claims' on nutritional supplements; even if they are 100% true and valid. So it would seem that the preferred method of still making supplement claims, but without actually making illegal "claims" is to use (pseudo) scientific facts to INFER.... untruths.

Powerzone HGH is an excellent example of this current marketing trend. Its multi-page brochure explains the function and benefits of Growth Hormone while quoting a variety of scientific studies. Everything stated is perfectly true and factual.... about Growth Hormone... and particularly injected, pharmaceutical Growth Hormone.... in elderly people.

The brochure does not claim that the HGH product itself delivers these results. Nor does it claim that results of pharmaceutical Growth Hormone in old people translates to the healthy gen-Y's that HGH is pitched at. Nor does it claim that HGH will compare to Growth Hormone injections. In fact, Powerzones makers don't actually claim that Growth Hormone levels will be raised by their product. They aren't allowed; and they don't have to. They know that YOU will make those claims for them!

Marketers know that they don't have to make claims for products that people desperately WANT access to. Like Chris Rock joked: [nobody] 'sells' drugs; drugs sell themselves! And when it comes to fat loss and muscle growth, EVERYBODY wants the magic pill! You only need to put the words "fat loss" on the bottle and people will buy it. Even when they know with 99.99% certainty that the product won't work! People will buy it for the .01% chance that something might happen. Heck, people buy lotto tickets for worse odds!

Now I should state that I consider Protein Powder to be a food and not a 'supplement' in the nutraceutical sense. So, protein powders aside, the fact is, as you probably know, no legal 'supplement' products 'work'. No natural product that you can buy over the counter is going to significantly manipulate your hormones, grow muscle and/or burn fat, safely and effectively, without side-effect, indefinitely, until you resemble a model on the cover of a magazine! In fact, with the same training and diet, the only single difference you will ever experience in a year of taking supplements will be to how poor you are!!! Your body will be exactly the same!

So here is everything you need to know about supplements (excluding protein powders which, as I said, are simply a good quality food):
1) if it provides drug-like effects then it will be classified as a drug and illegal to buy over-the-counter (OTC)! Marijuana is 'natural' and still illegal to buy and sell! Tryptophan is an amino acid in most protein foods and even IT is illegal to buy and sell!
2) If you can buy it OTC, then it does NOT produce drug-like effects.
3) If you want to manipulate your hormones with a natural product then get blood tests so that you can measure your disappointment accurately!
4) If you want a natural product to build muscle or lose fat then make sure your nutrition and training is 100% perfect, 100% of the time first or else you are absolutely wasting your money!
5) if you think your training and nutrition is 100% perfect and yet you aren't getting the training and body composition results you desire, reconsider your training and diet.
6) if you still think your training and nutrition is so perfect that it could not be even slightly improved in any way AND you've confirmed that your blood chemistry is absolutely perfect AND you STILL can't get the body you want then you are either a professional athlete being offered supplements for free OR you are too stupid to earn enough money to consider spending it on supplements!

Whoever you are, unless you have a measured, diagnosed deficiency or specific nutritional need, just don't waste your money on supplements (other than protein powder)!

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.


Unknown said...

Brilliant mate.. So true. Very entertaining read as well.

Unknown said...

Brilliant mate. So true. Well written and a very entertaining read.