Wednesday 24 November 2010

Why You SHOULD Use Supplements

I've frequently stated that nutritional supplements are largely, for most people, a complete waste of time and money. This position confuses people who logically ask me:

"so why does Biologic Labs have a supplement store then"?

So let me clear that up.

Nutritional Supplements are CAPABLE of improving a trainers rate and extent of body composition change. The RIGHT supplement, added to the RIGHT diet with the RIGHT training can improve the fat loss and/or muscle gain achieved. Sometimes the effect can be dramatic.

For example, I consider Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) a 'must have' supplement to clients on high carb, high calorie, low fat diets. Without it, most clients suffer horrible bloating, lethargy and extreme food cravings. With ALA, all of those negative effects literally disappear within a day! It is truly incredible.

But ALA is only incredible in that circumstance. In no other circumstance is there such a dramatic, instantly noticeable, almost drug-like effect.

Unfortunately, most supplement companies and stores won't tell you the fine-print about supplements. They'll just tell you that ALA, for example, will MAKE all these incredible things happen, all by itself, like a drug would. And it just won't! ALA makes a dramatic difference to an exceptionally good diet in the same way that expensive speaker cables make a dramatic difference to exceptionally good speakers. If you put $2000/meter speaker cable on your $200, JB Hifi all-in-one home theatre, you still have bad sound!

So my issue is not so much with supplements as peoples application of supplements. People want and expect supplements to MAKE UP FOR their atrocious diets and inappropriate training. They want to buy a potion that will build muscle for them and strip all their fat off while giving them boundless energy and sex drive that never abates. And no such potion exists! Supplements COMPLEMENT particular diets; they help them work better. They don't fix bad diets. They don't turn dog turds into gold bars!

So the bottom line is: nutritional supplements help DIETS work; sometimes dramatically better. But you need to make sure you are choosing the right supplement for the right diet and the right training for the right goal. Because in of themselves, supplements don't 'work'!

And that is why Biologic Labs sells supplements. Because we create the MEASURED diets to match the MEASURED training to achieve your MEASURED body composition goals, we can properly advise of the appropriate supplements to deliver maximum benefit and value.

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.

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