Tuesday 21 December 2010

Looking Back to Move Forward

Anyone who has seen rally driving on TV has probably noticed that the racers' front wheels are very rarely pointed in the direction that their vehicle is moving. To take a LEFT hand corner the driver will deftly 'flick' the car into a skid, turn the front wheels to the RIGHT and then apply excessive power to send the car, paradoxically, around the LEFT hand bend. This wasn't the intention of the engineers who originally designed the steering rack of the motorcar. Nor was it the expectation of scientists or academics. But on the track where the game is played, the fastest way to send a ton and a half of metal hurtling round a gravel road is with the wheels pointed mostly in the wrong direction!

This is not a dissimilar situation to weight training for muscle growth. Scientists and academics (and the people silly enough to listen to scientists and academics) bury their heads 'under the hood' and obsess over the chemical and mechanical PROCESSES of "protein synthesis" and "anabolism" with the assumption that pointing part of the bodies chemistry in the right direction will ensure the rest of the body arrives at the desired destination. But, as any rally driver will tell you, looking away from the desired destination to worry about which way the wheels are pointed is a sure fire way to not even finish the race!

A smarter person wanting to jump straight in and join the race as quickly as possible doesn't need to study circuit diagrams of cars ECU or consider the metallurgy of the alloy used in the engine block. A smarter person consults a map! (And has someone show them how to drive)! They consider their destination, the turns in between and work backwards to where they are now.

The tools in the race to grow muscle are food and weights. You don't need to know whats going on 'under the hood' (ie inside your body) when you eat food and lift weights. You just need to consult a map and steer your food and weights, around the twists and turns, toward your destination.

Logically, a muscularly larger version of yourself is going to be eating more food and lifting substantially heavier weights. You can probably guess how much good quality food you'll need to be eating at your desired size. And you can even predict how strong you'll probably be by looking at the maximal strength of other trainers at your desired size. It doesnt matter if you are exact because, like a rally driver, you are going to need to make countless adjustments as you go. But you still have to plan your journey first or it will take twice as long.

Over the course of your 'race' for muscle you are going to need to see yourself measuring your food intake and making adjustments according to the scales; just as a rally driver adjusts the throttle and steering angle through the bends. And just like a rally driver, your food intake won't always move in the direction your body is going. Its not a precise science; you can only keep your eye on the apex and keep fine tuning your inputs to stay on track. And if you 'close your eyes' on your diet and try to 'feel' your way through the twists, you'll probably wind up with a mangled chassis, going nowhere!

Similarly, to be muscularly larger you are going to need to be MASSIVELY stronger. The weights you use at each workout won't necessarily be moving in the direction of your strength - you will routinely need to drop your weights back as well as overload your muscles with excessive weight and less-than-good-quality reps. But you make adjustments as you go in order to keep moving toward your destination of getting truly strong. You never stop trying to get as strong as possible because in the race to gain muscle, thats like... stopping.

Most importantly, the second you stop focussing on your destination - massive strength with a measured, high intake of high quality food - and start worrying about whats going on 'under the hood' (or just cruising by 'feel'), that is going to be the exact moment you stop moving towards your destination and come crashing to a halt!

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1 comment:

Harry said...

Terrific blog post Damon!

So many newbies (and lamentably, experienced trainers also) focus on the acute effects of this or that new training twist on 2 -hour post-work-out protein synthesis (or some other proxy marker for muscle growth/strength increase), while completely forgeting that this is a long-term game.

While I have no issues with taking a scientific approach to training, it's imperative that studies are designed with a sufficiently lengthy observation window...and if you're looking at net anabolism, you need to look beyond the typical few-hours post-work-out windows that dominate the designs of most RCTs in the field.

Thanks again for the post.
