Sunday 1 January 2012

The Functional and Core Strength Deception

Since moving to Melbourne and returning to public gyms to train, I have been appalled by how the Fitness Industry has managed to regress even further than the lowly lows I escaped over 8 years ago. 'Functional strength' and 'core stability' is the current fad being misrepresented to mean 'body recomposition'. The fact is: these are just more rehabilitation techniques being sold to people who do not want or need rehabilitation!

The critical issue still being ignored is: NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS! People just want body recomposition! And that wouldnt be an issue IF the Fitness Industry was honest about the fact that what they are selling has nothing to do with body recomposition! But they are NOT honest. The Fitness Industry continues to blatantly deceive its customers with promises to "get in the best shape of your life", "lose fat and tone up" etc etc while providing solutions that have absolutely no relationship to such outcomes!

Worse still, the 'functional training' I see practiced in public gyms is the definition of an oxymoron. The 'exercises' I see PT's routinely give their clients resemble NO useful movement pattern that ANY person might ever use, in ANY activity, EVER! For example, the other day I saw a PT give his client a 6-exercise combination of lunge/bicep-curl to squat/shoulder-press to stiff-leg-deadlift/tricep-kickback - with 3kg dumbells! It was an exercise in memory and coordination - certainly not any useful function.

Watching this I just couldnt fathom WHY??? Why lunge down while curling up? It means the dumbells don't actually get lifted! Why reduce a weight for squats to weight you can do a tricep kickback with? For equal thigh and arm development? Just separating those six exercises and using appropriate loads on each to build strength would make a great workout. So had they been left alone, the client would have trained more productively WITHOUT the trainers DYSFUNCTIONAL training!

This is just one example and I could go on and on about the bafflingly worthless, non-functional, functional training I see taught everyday. Fortunately, you can click here for this YouTube video which speaks volumes about how atrocious the situation has become. EVERYBODY I have shown this movie gets a puzzled look on their face and asks the poignant question: WHY??? I hope you do too!

The critical point is that NONE of this so-called 'functional' training relates to delivering the body recomposition outcome that PT's promise and their clients pay for! It is an absolute, blatant rip-off!

As I have stated before, the Fitness Industry is part of the HEALTH industry; not sports performance industry! 'Fitness' is the state of MINIMAL physical function necessary to COPE with day to day life. It is not an aspirational achievement unless you are disabled! And this is why fitness solutions are typically derived from rehabilitation techniques.

This is also why the Fitness Industry is so completely irrelevant to non-disabled, non-unfit people who want body recomposition and/or above-minimum levels of physical ability. Anybody wanting body recomposition - even unfit people - need to look for experts in ATHLETE development! Athlete development comes from Strength and Conditioning Coaches; NOT Personal Trainers! And if you want abs, you need a SPORTS nutritionist; not a dietician; and definitely not a Personal Trainer who has no practical or legal ability to prescribe such advice.

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.

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