Wednesday 22 July 2009

Alcohol: Amazing Body DEcompositioning Fuel

Nothing - NOTHING - can make you gain fat and lose muscle faster than alcohol! It is the ultimate body DEcompositioning DRUG!

Alcohol will, without exaggeration, strip muscle faster and greater than CHEMOTHERAPY! Our clients typically lose their most recent 1-3 MONTHS worth of training and diet progress with just 1-4 serves of alcohol! And we''ve seen entire YEARS worth of muscle gain lost in a couple of consecutive ''big weekends''.

We always know when our clients have had a drink because there is NOTHING else they could have done to lose so much muscle AND gain so much fat in a short period. And its the muscle loss thats the giveaway. Cheating on a diet might make you gain fat; but you won't lose muscle. Missing training slows muscle gains; but rarely results in muscle loss. Even a month off training doesn't usually result in significant muscle loss in our clients. One drink does!

The only clients who 'get away with it' are the one who have a glass of wine (or more) every week. They just never get anywhere at all. They stay fat and don't gain strength.

Most trainers have no idea how bad alcohol is because they just never bother to measure themselves; certainly they don't measure actual lean-mass and fat-mass every 7-14 days like we do at Biologic Labs! They train by ''feel'' and change their diet based on their emotional response to what they see in the mirror. 2-3kg of muscle swapped for 2-3kg of fat doesn't show up on the scales (you WEIGH the same; but your composition is totally different) nor does it look THAT significant in the mirror (you look fatter but you haven't altered your entire shape). But it takes a hell of a lot of work to build and not a lot of booze to lose!

The fact that alcohol is a DRUG is the fact that seems to escape most people. They think the calories and sugars are the issue when drugs like alcohol work at a higher level! Calories have nothing to do with it! Amphetamines don''t cause weight loss because they''re low in calories! You lose weight because amphetamines are DRUGS. They are a drug like alcohol!

Generally, upon finding out the fat gain and muscle loss of a few drinks clients will give a limp, impotent whine of "thats just not possible". Its the same whimper you hear when a person receives their credit card statement after an overseas holiday! But, like a credit card statement, how you feel about it really doesnt enter the equation. It is what it is! You''ve done what you''ve done! The only difference is, Biologic Labs seems to be the only place people get a Statement of Body Composition change!

JUST one glass of alcohol can''t be THAT bad in the same way as just one cyanide capsule or just one drop of AIDS infected blood ''can''t be THAT bad''. Uh... it CAN!!! Just because you could tolerate much more doesn''t mean nothing is going on inside you! Similarly, getting hit by just one car or one bullet IS a lot better than getting hit by 10. But you''d still be better off not being hit altogether!

But what about the positive, healthy effects of alcohol? Lets get real here: NOBODY drinks alcohol because they''re after a health benefit! If you want healthy anti-oxidants, eat some broccoli! Unlike Alcohol, Broccoli doesn't cost Australia $15 BILLION per year in health damages and 51% of broccoli consumption isn't at levels that risk short-term harm! You want Resveratrol? Get some grapeseed extract!

Unfortunately we live in a totally alcoholic society! If you want proof, just look at the recent push for the "10-day challenge": that is, 10 days without alcohol. Most people laugh about what a genuine struggle it is for them. But if someone told you they couldn''t go without a hit of heroin for 10 days, you''d call them a junkie! Australians are shocking alcoholics! So just like crack-heads in a crack-house think crack cocaine is ''normal'', so too Australians think alcohol is OK! But like crack, Alcohol is NOT OK for you!

So lets be clear: in a week of eating as badly as you possibly could, you won''t be able to deposit the fat you can gain in just one night with alcohol! And in a week of chemotherapy or high dose cortisone, you couldn''t lose the muscle you can in just one night with alcohol.

If you drink regularly you won''t continually lose muscle and gain fat, obviously. But you will be the fattest, weakest, muscleless version of yourself you could be. All your exercise and diet will just be fighting a losing battle against the fat-steroids you insist on drinking!

Scream what you want about ''lifestyle'' and being ''social''; justify your alcoholism to yourself anyway you want! But drinking alcohol is still drugging yourself FAT! I''m not judging it. I''m just reporting it. Alcohol is YOUR choice!

1 comment:

cashy89 said...

I spoke to a GP at my gym about this the other day; he was adamant that a glass EVERY day would do more good than harm. Although I am not surprised at his blatant ignorance, considering how absurdly ineffective our primary care physicians are at managing "lifestyle diseases" with strategies as simple as diet and exercise. I mean, considering most doc's will prescribe a "sad" person anti-depressants after one visit, I'm not so shocked that they are similarly comfortable poisoning us with mis-information about Australia's favorite party drug...