Tuesday 28 July 2009

Skip LaCour Talks Truth!

I was just received an email with the following Forum Post from "Natural" Pro Bodybuilder, Skip LaCour. He is 100% on the money in his assessment of the biggest problem I see in ALL training: woefully low expectations and perceptions about what is achievable.

Hello, Men.

It's Skip La Cour with another important message as your strive to MASTER your bodybuilding and training efforts.

This one is about the bodybuilding internet message boards and, more importantly, who you choose to spend your time with in life.

I sometimes read the bodybuilding message boards—and I really get a kick out of them. But, I can only take them in small doses—extremely small doses! I'm always amused by how consumed some of the boys and men who post their thoughts and opinions are about who, in THEIR opinion, do and do not use steroids and other drugs to build their physiques.

You may be familiar with the scenario I referring to: Someone's picture will be posted and, if the guy has anything close to a decent amount of muscle or relatively low body fat level, he is immediately branded as a steroid (or other physique-enhancing drug) USER, LIAR, and CHEATER!

If anyone has the balls to believe that the person in the picture has earned that body without the help of drugs, he is immediately and savagely RIDICULED by the masses!

Look, if you want to get the very most out of bodybuilding and training efforts, you need to LIMIT YOUR TIME on the bodybuilding internet message boards! Although these message boards can be very entertaining and gathering there with people who share your interest can sometimes fuel your passion for bodybuilding and training, I believe REGULAR visits will HARM you in the long run.


The EXPECTATIONS and STANDARDS of the masses are FAR TOO LOW and will eventually negatively affect you in ways you might not even be aware of.

If you are struggling with your bodybuilding and training efforts, you'll begin to believe that your experience is “normal.”

If you are doing an average of job of building your physique, you might become convinced you are doing well.

And, if you have the drive, ability, and genetics to create an outstanding body, you might start believing that you've “maxed out” as to what you can accomplish far too early in the process.

Studies have shown in many social experiments in other areas of life just how powerful and influential “group thinking” can be on a person. It's been said that YOUR expectations, standards, and quality of life are MOLDED and INFLUENCED by the expectations, standards, and quality of life of the FIVE PEOPLE you spend the most time with.

The best thing you can do for yourself is completely avoid group thinking.

If everyone on the bodybuilding message boards was forced to post pictures of their own physiques; the length of time they have accumulated of DEDICATED training (not half-assed teenager habits), and a mental toughness profile (Let's face the facts: Some of us are TALKERS and some of us are DOERS), I'm sure their mere written words would NOT have any influence at all.

Now, I'm not saying everyone can be a champion bodybuilder. But, who cares about that anyway? Wouldn't you be happy if you could pack-on 10 pounds of rock-hard muscle mass and dump 10 pounds of body fat within the next couple of years?

Do you really think you need steroids and other drugs to do that? Really? The 20 pound “swing” would make you look amazing!

That's “do-able,” don't you think?

Those people who succeed with their bodybuilding and training efforts THINK much differently than the masses. They have the tremendous ability to think for themselves; carve out their own direction; create outrageous standards for themselves on their own; and most importantly, work towards those extremely high standards that they've create without being influenced by what other people think of them or their goals.

You want to consciously and wisely CHOOSE who you spend your time with' You want to consciously and wisely CHOOSE whose expectations, standards, and quality of life you expose yourself to.

If you want to become a winner, then you must surround yourself ONLY with winners.

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