Saturday 18 July 2009


BCAA's - or 'Branch Chain Amino Acids' - are the hot-ticket supplement of the moment. Apparently you need your BCAA's post-workout for 'recovery' and 'anti-catabolism' and blah blah blah. Basically BCAA's do all the usual ambiguous rubbish supplement peddlers always claim.

The funny thing about BCAA's and Glutamine is that their popularity in natural bodybuilders has been stolen from the most hardcore of hardcore drug-abusing bodybuilders! A certain well-known 'nutritionist' to the pro-bodybuilders revitalised the popularity of post-workout, high-dose amino-acids in concert with high dose INSULIN, IGF and PGF. The Naturals ignored the small matter of injecting Insulin, GH, Testosterone, IGF and PGF, but stuck with the aminos; like the amino acids are the relevant factor in the equation! (uh, they aren't)!

The main point everyone seems to ignore is that BCAA's make up about 25% of virtually every complete protein (eggs, animals and protein powders etc). The smallest Biologic Labs client has at least 150g of complete protein per day; or 150,000mg of amino acids in supplement-marketing speak. Our larger guys top out over 500g - sorry, 500,000mg - of protein (amino acids) per day! Which means our clients have 37,500 - 125,000mg/day of BCAA's from FOOD. Hows that for a concept? Nutrition coming from FOOD!

Adding 5,000-10,000mg of BCAA's couldnt be a bigger waste of time, money or effort! Either you are getting PLENTY of BCAA's or your diet is so woefully inadequate that that you aren't going to be growing any muscle anyway!

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