Wednesday 13 October 2010

Muscles = Strength = Weights. Duh!

I was at the supermarket the other day when I saw a little girl point at me and say to her mother “look at that strong man, mommy”. The little girl couldn’t have been more than 5 years old and yet she seemed to ‘get it’ more than the vast majority of weight trainers.

The “form” your body takes is a reflection of what your body can do. I really don’t know what part of that people find so hard to understand or believe? I have muscles because muscles are required to lift the weights I lift. Substantially stronger people than me tend to have substantially bigger muscles. Substantially weaker people tend to have substantially smaller muscles. The measure of a muscle is its strength. That’s just what a muscle does. And I just cannot figure out when the world lost sight of this fact?

If you want more muscles, you need to get much stronger; probably by lifting heavy stuff. If you want less fat then you need to stop eating tasty rubbish, start eating clean protein foods and train for more muscle; probably by lifting heavy stuff. If you want to look exactly like a ripped, elite rock climber then you need to become an ELITE rock climber. If you want to look more like a skinny, sick, malnourished endurance athlete then you need to exercise for hours and hours and hours, everyday and become an elite endurance athlete! If you want the ‘heroin chic’ look in womens fashion magazines then you probably need to develop a proper heroin addiction. And if you only go half-way with the work required for any of these ‘looks’ then you’ll probably only get half the look!

Yet weight trainers and bodybuilders obsess over exercise ‘technique’ instead of weight; pre-workout supplements instead of food; ‘feeling’ muscles work rather than making muscles ‘do’; and spending hours slothing along on treadmills to ‘burn fat’ instead of powering through workouts to become a REAL strength athlete. As a result the vast majority of trainers are failing to achieve any significant body composition changes. For all their science and ‘feelings’ and technique, trainers are failing to LOOK like strong, muscular athletes because they aren't training to become strong, muscular athletes! Its like training to race Supercars and focussing on steering angles, apexes, wheel camber, tyre selection, throttle modulation and everything else EXCEPT going faster. Its just an obvious waste of time!

If you want muscles and low bodyfat then you need to train with weights. And if you are going to train with WEIGHTS then don't let anyone fool you: the point is the WEIGHT!

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1 comment:

Thomo said...

Great post and so representative of the guys in the gym I train at here in Perth. Everyone is interested in biceps and going for the burn. Very rarely do I see guys pushing/pulling the big numbers in bench/squat/deadlift.
