Wednesday 13 October 2010

Training Sets, Reps & Days vs. Weights

If you look at the majority of weight training programs they talk about sets, reps and exercises. They talk about heart rate and duration. They talk about ‘feel’ and ‘burn’. But never do they seem to give more than a passing mention about weight! And yet the WEIGHT being lifted is the entire point of WEIGHT Training. If you do not progress in the amount of weight you can lift then your training failed. Period. Nothing left to discuss. If training wasn’t about weight then they’d call it Rep Training or Set Training or something other than Weight Training!

To prove the point, consider a massive Professional Bodybuilders program from a magazine and consider what he does that you cannot?

Apparently he does 10-12 reps per set. Taking weight out of the equation, do you have any problem doing 10-12 reps of any exercise? No matter who you are or how out of shape you are, you CAN do 10-12 reps of an exercise IF the weight is light enough.

Mr Pro does 4 SETS of each exercise. Once again, whoever you are, you are capable of doing 4 sets of any exercise so long as the weight is light enough.

Mr Pro trains 6 days per week for 1-2 hours at a time, always works to ‘feel’ the burn and squeeze the muscles etc etc. All of which every healthy human is capable of doing IF weight is taken out of the equation!

So you are CAPABLE of doing everything that even a Professional Bodybuilder does in terms of sets, reps and hours in the gym. So training to do all those sets and reps and hours is not developing any ability you do not already have. And if your body isn't changing to develop any new physical ability then you can be absolutely sure it won't have changed physically either! Which leaves the ONLY thing that a professional Bodybuilder can do that you cannot do which is lift HUGE WEIGHTS on all those sets and reps!

Now, these days, you might not see Mr Lazy Pro lift huge weights in the videos and they might not choose to lift huge weights for much of the year. We all know how Pro Bodybuilders build their muscles these days and it doesn’t require working particularly hard. But despite what they lift, the issue is that Mr Pro is CAPABLE of lifting much, MUCH more than you on everything he does. In fact, even lazy Pros often train lazily with hundreds of kilos more than you can lift when straining with all of your effort! And if you could get as strong as Mr Pro by training light and lazy then you’d probably be as big as Mr Pro and you wouldn’t be reading this!

Once you can lift similar maximum weights to those your favourite pro is CAPABLE of lifting then you’ll probably find you can lazily play around for 4 sets of 4 exercises with big weights too. And you’ll probably be about the same size (give or take the Synthol lumps in your arms, delts and calves). Of course, by that stage you probably won’t bother with 4 sets of 4 exercises because you will have realised that such training is just stupid, inefficient, ineffective and not even slightly related to the desired result you want from your training!

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