Saturday 9 October 2010

When Stupidly Bad is Good

Recently a client introduced me to the disgraceful Velocity Diet plan on

The jist of the diet is you stop eating food and consume only their supplements. Every now and then you have an "HSM" (healthy solid meal - gotta have an acronym or its not scientific, ya know?). But for all week, everyday, its just supplements.

The supplements make a diet that is 60% protein, 15% carbs and 25% fats and VERY low calorie. A 120kg man is prescribed just 1800 calories per day (plus 330 extra calories on training days). It is absolute malnourishing starvation!

This is a terrible diet on more levels than I can be bothered commenting on. One major issue I have is that, for whatever reason, supplements - regardless of how technically brilliant they have been formulated to be - never, ever deliver the same training, strength, health or body composition outcomes as real food. I know it shouldn't be this way when you look at the basic numbers. But it just is. It probably has to do with the fact that you are still drinking a bunch of wierd, colours, flavours, sweeteners and other non-nutritious poisons that have no place in going into the body.

But while I would never, ever prescribe such a terrible, awful, malnourishing diet to any client I would ever work with, the Velocity Diet is actually the best possible diet for a LOT of people. The reason? They can't screw it up!

The fact is, most people couldnt eat a diet much worse than they do if they deliberately tried. I am shocked by how bad most peoples diets are. And most people screw up even the most basic diet instructions. You tell them to eat chicken and they get the fake turkey from the deli. You tell them to eat rice and they eat pasta with cheese sauce. And they actually think these compromises are OK!? A 100% supplement diet is the only diet that they will not and cannot screw up.

And by virtue of being the only diet people cannot screw up, the Velocity Diet - like the worst diet I've ever seen: the Tony Ferguson Diet - is the best diet for many people.

Its so sad!

Visit for Body Recompositioning diets, training programs, strength coaching, supplements and hormone balancing. Extreme fat loss and muscle development that Personal Trainers and Fitness gyms cannot achieve.

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